
Friday, March 2, 2012

事情 句点 Life goes on 感恩

What makes a girl betrays her boyfriend without any guilt feeling?
Okay we've broke up, and I could accept it. I really could.
But don't she ever think of me sometimes?  I mean at least felt little sorry or guilty?
After all these happened.
Why can she act like there were nothing happened and she did nothing to me.
How much courage for a girl needed to leave her bf? 3 and half years.
Well I knew that she got no feeling on me since before we've broke up,
And there were full of lies from her had revealed after broke up.
I can still accepted it also.
But sometimes I felt that she were like pretending that she is the one who had been abandoned.
Then at the time she stayed low, and yet I was looked like the one who had betraying.
She is smart.

It was just like I am the one who got new target and decided to break up.
Damn it...I don't like this kind of feeling, but I don't mind if people misunderstood about me,
because I am a guy, that's nothing to lose if people think that I am kinda playboy or what.
Even my mum also thought that I am the badass before I got chance to explain.
Playboy, it's okay what, not a big deal for me.
What I am caring is some people might thought that my current gf is the 第三者,
Other than that, be with her I've save lot of money compared to before.
Someone said she is gonna loves my money instead of me,
and I will spend a lot for buying her tons of branded stuffs.
OPS, you are so damn wrong.

For your information...
Soon after me n my ex broke up. I got in relationship with my current gf.
I knew it were all happened too sudden, some of the people got shocked.
People think that I am just playing with my current gf or I wanna use my current gf to piss my ex off.
People were like denied me because of that.
But I can promise all of you that, seriously, I love her.
Both of us had broke up with our ex with similar stories.
I couldn't say that we are the victim in those sad stories,
but I could confirm that we were the one who had been hurt. DEEPLY.
Because we are the one who really "loved" before.

Please don't judge me. You all don't even know what I am thinking, what I have been through.
Just give me some time, I will gonna show you guys I am not the one who you think I am.

也许我看起来很轻浮 可是只要我有了女朋友
就算遇到让我心动的女孩子 我都会告诉我自己我已经有女朋友了
我有自己的底线 我知道我在做什么 我知道什么是对或错
我办得到 真的 因为我觉得东西要就做到最好 不然就不要做 我的原则
我爱我的女朋友 我就要爱到底
就连以前的事情 我都还在慢慢让自己fade out.
只是有时偶尔还会emo一下 因为我是真的爱过 我不是她

一次打击后 我再一次复活 这次我更了解“爱”
什么是我需要的 什么是值得我爱的 什么是我真正喜欢 爱的


长大了 :)

PS: I know it's gonna ruins my ex reputation, so I never really mentioned that before. I am sorry bout that.
But as long as she got her current bf I think that's nothing much for her. I guess?
And now I am caring is what people think of my current gf. Just try to protect her.

Monday, January 9, 2012

吃面包 Charlotte

2012, I am not going to say happy new year here,
because this is not a really HAPPY new year for me, myself.
Was broke with her; But seriously, I didn't blame her, but myself.
I was so suck and sohai, I thought that I was too much perfect for her.
I thought that being a nice boyfriend is like gift her anything she wanted.
I thought that being a nice boyfriend is like fetch her to school.
I thought that being a nice boyfriend is like take good care of her.

But I was so damn wrong. I had never thought like what she thought and her feeling.
I was a bad temper guy; every time after quarreling, she will be the one who apologizes no matter who faults.
I never cherish the time that spent with her, because I thought that is 理所当然...
I never thought that she would be really leaving one day.
Time flies, 3 and half years; 
I have to said that; we were more like sibling instead of couple when we started to live together at Cyberjaya.
The passion is not there anymore, for both of us. We didn't ever cherished each other.
She was like my lil sis, I have to take good care of her, 
Every single little things of hers, even winning a Tettris battle for her so that she can talks nonsense in front of her silly she were. 
It was more like a responsibility, boundaries for me. And for her, she used to take care of my daily life also.
I have to admit that I am a lazy guy, so she used to help me do all the housework, pity her.

Thanks for everything. Char lo tte.
Our thing ends up like this, I don't even know we can get back to each other or not.
And I really never blame on you and you also no need to blame on yourself. 
Even though I was cursing you at first, but girl you know I never meant it.
Which kind of guy I am, you knew it. 
I knew you were born without brain, that's why you sohai sohai a bit; And that's why I am so into you.
You will need many "directors" in your life, but not that 2 bitches who had sent you and me to Holland. 
Get rid of them.
You should knew who are really good for you right, 20th already.
I could forgive everything, but not 2 of them. I knew them really long time, never owed them, sometimes help them some more. I really couldn't find myself a single reason to forgive them.
They will get what they deserved. 
But the most important thing is please promise me be more clever and 醒目 a bit. 凡事不要太计较.
Don't ever let yourself 吃亏, and don't easily believe people other than Pontianese.
And, Fake Korean not nice, We called it Palia. o0o :)
Hope that you could find a real Korean boy soon.
Life goes on and on. 加油!

One Day.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


it's sem break,
OMFG it's kinda torture that my life in Pontian without a smooth internet connection...
F that...P1, could you please show some mercy to me...
If you still provide this kind of turtle internet download speed...
how I gonna live without it....aaaaaaarrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhh....

再多两天...如果线还是一样慢的话...我打算上山去...拥抱大自然 lol!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

For my friend, White Hao.

有人说过, 如果我们dulan一个人
没有错, 我相信我的修养不是很好...
因为我被一个这么cheap的人从facebook delete+block掉 我也不算什么好料吧!
就一次...就洗你一次,我就blog给别人知道一次。 一次。
为了纪念你, 还有让你再想起我,或者偶尔miss我一下 我为了你blogging了White hao!!!

我曾经有一个大学朋友 sem1 认识的
我们曾经很要好 他叫White hao
第一眼看到他 你会觉得他很friendly,
认识他一个礼拜 你会觉得他很 helpful,
认识他一个月  你会觉得他很 patterns.

他有很多优点 第一个优点就是 很节省...sibeh sibeh sibeh 的节省
可是我叫它做cheap. 只要可以得到利益的地方你都可以看到White.
他的节省让人为之疯狂 为什么勒 为了钱连自己中学到大学的朋友也可以骗
White想自己独吞friend get friend的钱...四个人分两千 变成自己最后拿一千块.
事情发生时其实我们一group朋友都知道他出pattern了 可是我们并没有马上揭穿他
到拿到钱的那一天, 他发现他的message被我的朋友看到了 露出马尾了
White 对网速很执着。那些年 我的P1 一个月rm99
他来我房间上网 download 找女孩子聊天
还我十块/month算了 还要被他靠北lag.
帮到了新家 我们还是用着p1
我们的小小P1, 4个人用......
我打starcraft...太lag了 我就有一直暗示 甚至明示
那天 他们要出去吃饭 我知道他在dl着 他看到我在打starcraft
我就说 “鸡巴 干lag了” 他也假装没听到就走掉了
我一气之下直接到mamak找他们 我当是很生气 我鸟了white 可是我一点都不内疚
因为他欠鸟。从此我就不share line给他了
问题来了 我要potong P1...需要rm300
我对white原本就不期望他会帮我出这些钱 可是我有听说他要还我rm50
我痴痴地等 我也算了 因为我太了解white了你要他出钱?LOL
我自己吃自己 还了rm300

他pattern很kuat, 在摄影这方面....fuiyoh.....他就算不会也讲到自己会这样!!!其他的事情也是 就是我每次讲的pattern kuat, 装厉害。帅!?
Photographer!!! pui. 你他妈的再厉害还不只是white hao(他并没有很厉害摄影 他比较厉害talkcock 还有edit照片)? 有得到respect吗? 你问问自己!有吗???o0o 我活到现在 十九年了 从来没有这么看不起一个人 我打从心底看不起你 不管你的人格 或者 行为 整个都太烂了。你真的太烂了 cheap仔 cheap 啊!!! CHEAP!!!!!!! 根本是对男人的脸。

White hao arh white, 为什么要delete+block我勒? 你以为我想看你的profile pic啊?
我是做了什么下贱的事会被这样cheap的人delete勒?原本我是不dulan的 过去的就算了
哪里知道还被你先block, 吊。看了这个post让你想起我吧亲爱的white!

Last but not least lol, 他就是喜欢backstab 好朋友 贪钱 骗钱 假厉害 讲鸟话 还有很多故事是你们不懂的 太长了 懒惰打 只要跟white相处久了你们就知道了 或许他会慢慢检讨自己 改过自新
不过依我看是sibeh难啦 他这样lapsap.

帮我告诉White, 这post是给他的。应为他block我了 我也不知道怎样给他看。